VSHN Central Help

Welcome to VSHN Central, the place to find Quotations, Invoices, Timesheets and much more.

Login and Access

Use your VSHN Account to log in.

The first time you log in, your user will be matched to our contacts database. Should your E-Mail address differ between the contact we have in our records and the VSHN Account, you won't immediately get access.

Should you lack access to your data, please open a ticket under https://control.vshn.net/tickets or write an E-Mail to support@vshn.ch.


To initially get access to Timesheet entries, please open a ticket under https://control.vshn.net/tickets or write an E-Mail to support@vshn.ch.

You can see all Timesheet entries under /my/timesheets. A Timesheet entry usually has a ticket number included, to see the ticket, please browse to https://control.vshn.net/tickets.